Friday, October 29, 2010

Lost in lonely corners...

Dear Louise,

I've taken to wandering lost little corners that feel more authentic than the feeling of a constant need to Westernize. I finally got lost in what seemed to be a little lost corner lost in the bustle of the French Concession. It was refreshing to see what seemed like a true feeling of what Shanghai is going through, lost corners of traditions that dont want to keep up with the invasion...Its strange to see a city growing infront of your eyes...You stumble up on the old while searching for the new...At moments you feel as if youre in the biggest cosmopolitian of cities, and at other you are able to see the naked roots 
from which it came from. Shanghai is truly growing infront of our eyes..and holds a mysterious future. Can't wait till you're here..

with love from Shanghai..xoxo

1 comment:

  1. You will find more Shanghai (real, not westernized) near Yu Gardern. If you do want to explorer.

    Yucheng & Gift
